Cultivate an appreciation for art and help students discover the fun in learning
This series of Hike It! At The Singapore River trails are created for art appreciation, as well as learning about the Singapore River story, where our forefathers came and thrived! They are made for preschool, primary and secondary schools students and can be delivered at various levels and depths. We typically invite students to make arts at the end of the tour in response to what they have experienced on the day. We have created video series when outdoor learning journey was not possible, however, we do welcome schools who can organise trips down to Singapore too, when it becomes permissible.

This video shed lights on the Asian Civilization Museum and Victoria Theatre as in the arts and culture vicinity. In addition, the interesting facts on the bridges along Singapore River made easy for the younger participants to follow.

This video talked about the two sculptures of Raffles at the Singapore River, shedding lights on the meaning of site-specific art installations as well as little story of Raffles as the founder of Modern Singapore about 200 years ago.

This video shared the deployment of various materials used in the traditional arts versus contemporary arts. And how arts could be gifted for friendship by countries, as well as to commemorate celebrations like SG 50 in 2015.

This video toured the Singapore River and shared with the participants about life along the river with the first generation and the way of life, depicted by the sculptures installed by the river as site specific art installations.

Appreciating the sculptures along the Singapore River to understand the past and present. This video talked about the trading business by the River from the olden days till current trade like Forex at the financial district and a little note on the emergence of ladies at work by the artwork.

This video shed lights on the bronze sculptures along the Singapore River. How these arts are placed to remember the Singapore cats along the river, as well as, the Botero style bird to usher in the peace and prosperity for those who thrived at the Singapore River.